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Installing pycangjie

Arch Linux

pycangjie has not been included in official repository yet, but only in AUR. If it works for you and you like it, please don’t hesitate to vote it on upvote it. So you can install it with yay:

$ yay -S python-pycangjie

Debian Unstable / Sid

pycangjie is included in the default Debian repositories, so you can just install it with apt-get, as the root user:

# apt-get install python3-pycangjie


pycangjie is included in the default Fedora repositories, so you can just install it with yum:

$ sudo yum install python3-cangjie


Pycangjie is included in the Gentoo repositories. It is currently masked. You will need to add “dev-python/cangjie” to your /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords or use autounmask. Once unmasked install as root with :

$ emerge dev-python/cangjie

Ubuntu 14.04

pycangjie is included in the default Ubuntu repositories, starting with the 14.04 release, so you can install it with apt-get:

$ sudo apt-get install python3-pycangjie


pycangjie is included in the default NixOS channel, starting with the 14.02 release, so you can install it with nix-env:

$ nix-env --install pycangjie

Build from the sources


To build these bindings, you will need the following:

Install from a release tarball

Download a release tarball from the releases section on

From the root folder of the unpacked tarball, do the usual Autotools dance:

$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install

Install from Git

First, you need to clone the development repository:

$ git clone

Installation requires meson build system to run. After installing meson, from the root folder of the unpacked tarball, run:

$ meson setup ./builddir --prefix=/usr --wipe
$ meson build ./builddir
$ meson install -C ./builddir

If you have want to test against ibus-cangjie on your system but ibus-cangjie is already running before this process, remember to restart ibus daemon to reload the newly built and installed version:

$ ibus restart