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Project Cangjie 全倉頡中文輸入


This is a Python wrapper to libcangjie, the library implementing the Cangjie input method.

Below is a trivial example of how to use it:

import cangjie

cj = cangjie.Cangjie(cangjie.versions.CANGJIE3,
                     cangjie.filters.BIG5 | cangjie.filters.HKSCS)

for c in cj.get_characters("a*y"):

For more details, refer to the documentation, either online or the one shipped with this software.

Development happens on, and stable release tarballs can be found in the releases section there.


pycangjie is offered under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, either version 3 or any later version.

We won’t ask you to sign a copyright assignment or any other kind of silly and tedious legal document, so just send us patches and/or pull requests!