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libcangjie documentation - libcangjie_cli


libcangjie_cli - a CLI interface to the Cangjie database


libcangjie_cli [OPTIONS] CODE


libcangjie_cli may be used to query the Cangjie database from the command line.

This is mostly useful for testing and/or debugging purpose, as the primary interface is through the libcangjie library.


The following options are understood:

Exit status

On success, 0 is returned, a non-zero failure code otherwise.

See the cangjie/cangjieerrors.h header for the list of possible exit codes.


As for libcangjie itself, the CANGJIE_DB environment variable can be used to specify the full path to the Cangjie database.


To obtain the characters which have a for Cangjie code, with all default options, run:

$ libcangjie_cli a

To obtain all the characters which have a Cangjie code starting with h and ending with i, use:

$ libcangjie_cli --filter=big5,hkscs,punctuation,chinese,zhuyin,kanji,katakana,symbols 'd*d'

To get the Cangjie radical of the letter x, run:

$ libcangjie_cli --mode=radical x