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libcangjie documentation - The CangjieChar structure

The CangjieChar structure

This is the basic currency unit in libcangjie. CangjieChar’s are what the functions return when you want to find what character corresponds to a certain Cangjie code.

The CangjieChar structure is defined as follows:

struct CangjieChar {
    char     chchar[5];
    char     code[6];
    uint32_t frequency;

The chchar member is the character that the user actually wants, and the code member is its Cangjie code.

For example, in Cangjie, the character (chchar) “木” has the code “d”.

Finally, the frequency member is a useful measure to order the characters when presenting them to the user. The higher it is, the more frequent that character is.

For example, a character with a frequency of 1000 should be presented before a character with a frequency of 500.

Instantiating a CangjieChar: cangjie_char_new()

CangjieChar’s are really something that your application will consume, not something you will create and manage.

Nevertheless, if you really want to create a new CangjieChar, use the cangjie_char_new function:

Here is an example:

CangjieChar *c;
int ret = cangjie_char_new(&c, "木", "d", 1000);

Freeing used memory: cangjie_char_free()

You are expected to free all CangjieChar instances you create. If c is a pointer to a CangjieChar instance:

int ret = cangjie_char_free(c);